Agave Studio

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Custom Squarespace Website For Denver Mid-Century Modern Expert & Real Estate Broker

Denver’s Mid-Century Modern Expert Gets A Squarespace Website upgrade

Agave Studio leans into the Midmod design style for Denver Real Estate Broker

We love Mid-Century Modern, like really love Mid-Century Modern. So when our friend Adrian came to us for help with elevating his Squarespace 7.0 website to 7.1 with is new brand we were absolutely thrilled. His real estate brokerage, Midmod Colorado, was using a fairly outdated template on Squarespace 7.0 and was in need of an upgrade. He had recently had a rebrand created by the extremely talented Amanda Croy featuring some great mid-century motifs and symbols that Agave was ready to build off of for the new website.

The Brief

Since Adrian came to us with a gorgeous new brand, the brief for the new Midmod Colorado website was to update the new site into Squarespace 7.1 and represent the new brand. The biggest obstacle for the update was Adrian, being Denver’s Midmod Expert, had a plethora of listings at his disposal. These worked best as a blog, but his previous Squarespace 7.0 template’s blog wasn’t to his liking. As a result, all of his previous listings were built as pages… insert scared gif here. This also meant he had great SEO rankings that would need to be maintained with the utmost care. The expert Squarespace designers and developers at Agave Studio never shy away from a challenge though! We’ve completed quite a few transitions from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1 and this wasn’t “our first rodeo,” so to speak.

The Process

After sitting down with Adrian to discuss what he wanted and the plan for the listings and SEO, the Squarespace designers at Agave started with creating a brand new site for Midmod Colorado in Squarespace 7.1 and began transferring all of the old listings to the new site. After completing the transfer of content to a blog, Agave created a new layout for Adrian’s listings so they’d show off the most important information for each listing; and created categories and tags so listings could be categorized and tagged by neighborhood, city, architect, and design style for future SEO landing pages. The Squarespace designers then proceeded to apply the new brand style, colors and type to the new website. To accomplish this, the Squarespace developers installed a custom font so that the main brand font could be used as the heading font. This really makes a difference in accomplishing brand consistency across the website and marketing materials. To finish out the website project, the Squarespace designers and developers performed the final quality assurance including making sure newsletter forms were hooked up to Mailchimp and URL mappings were correct between the old and new sites to reduce 404 errors.

The Result

When we say we’re really proud of the result… we’re really proud of the result. Not only did the Squarespace website’s SEO rankings hold steady throughout the website migration (including a domain change!), the new site looks and feels like a trip to a mid-century modern time capsule, but on the world-wide-web. The great midmod motifs created by Amanda transferred to the website flawlessly as design accents that establish Adrian as the choice to sell, buy or preserve your mid-century modern masterpiece in Denver. Check out the before and after below and see the new Squarespace website by clicking on the button at the bottom of this post.

Are you a Denver or Colorado real estate agent looking to level up your digital presence with a new Squarespace site? Squarespace is a fantastic platform for real estate agents and small brokerages due to its ease of use, content management systems for blogs, beautiful custom inquiry forms and ability to integrate with MLS home searches. Say howdy to the expert Squarespace website designers and developers at Agave Studio today to get your website project started today.

Check Out Examples of Custom Squarespace Design Work

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