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Squarespace Website For Colorado Railfan Group

New Squarespace Website For The NRHS Intermountain Chapter

EXpert Denver Squarespace Web DEsigners at Agave Studio Create A Beautiful Website For This Colorado Railroad Group

We’ve been quite heavy on the railroad Squarespace websites lately! The Squarespace website platform really lends itself to creating stunning pages to feature trains rolling off into the sunset. That’s exactly what the Denver Squarespace web designers at Agave Studio did for the NRHS Intermountain Chapter for their brand new website. We were also able to get donations and a membership functionality set up using our favorite Donorbox.

The Brief

We got in touch with the president of the Intermountain Chapter after chatting with their treasurer, Barb, at the Colorado Railroad Museum… what a way to get a client! After chatting with Bob, the Intermountain Chapter President, and attending a meeting we were slightly enamored with the group and decided to join ourselves. Our Creative Director is a pretty big train nerd and would honestly only work on railroad websites if he could. The chapter was looking for an improved website that could showcase Colorado railroad history including photos, videos, resources; and also serve as a hub for chapter members to renew their membership, see upcoming meetings and events, and contact the chapter with any questions. What a tall order! Luckily, the Squarespace designers at Agave Studio knew exactly how to tackle this project.

The Process

The Denver website designers started by creating a brand new Squarespace account for the chapter alongside setting up their new Donorbox account. We walked the chapter how we set up the memberships and donation integrations for the South Park Rail Society and they agreed the same functionality could work for them. After setting up all the accounts needed for the project, the team at Agave Studio was feeling a little generous since the chapter offered us a free membership to the group so we decided to slightly improve upon the chapter logo and use the iconic Rio Grande speed lettering. This carried through into the website design with the use of the black and gold colors of Colorado’s hometown railroad.

After deciding on colors, typefaces and the pages needed for the chapter, the expert Squarespace designers flowed content, integrated the donation and membership widgets from Donorbox and connected up the new domain.

The Result

The result is a Squarespace website geared towards Colorado railfans that are looking to join a community of like-minded individuals to discuss railroads past and present. The website features links to pretty much every single Colorado railroad museum, heritage railroad, model railroad club and attraction in the state. This centers the Intermountain Chapter as a “go-to” for anyone who is looking to explore the rich railroading history of Colorado. The gold and black emulate the arguably most famous Colorado railroad, the Denver & Rio Grande Western, and the video of the Big Boy thundering over a bridge when you land on the site tells you exactly where you are. Overall, Agave is super proud of this project and we hope the Intermountain Chapter loves their site as much as we do!

Are you a railroad nonprofit group or NRHS Chapter looking to get your web presence on the right track? The Squarespace website design team at Agave Studio can help your nonprofit organization reach new members and donors so you can continue your mission of railroad preservation. Head on over to our contact page and let us know what you’re interested in.

Through the Rockies! Not Around Them!

— Agave Studio