Agave Studio

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Colorado Fitness Logo Refresh: Legion of Iron

Northern Colorado Fitness Guru Comes to Agave for a Logo Refresh

Agave Studio creates a brand new logo for Northern Colorado Fitness Consultant, Legion of Iron

Sometimes you really love your logo but it needs to change for a business name change or even a change in your business direction. That’s exactly what happened when Jeremy from Legion of Iron came to Agave Studio for a little bit of help recreating his previous logo. He was very happy with his previous logo, but it needed a refresh for a change in his business name and direction. That’s where Agave Studio stepped in to help.

The Process

After consulting with Jeremy on what he liked about his previous logo, what he wanted to change, and how he wanted it to look, we began the process of recreating and cleaning up the stunning gorilla in that is front and center in the previous and new logos. This beast needed to be brought over, because why not? The previous logo featured some distressing that we ended up removing to clean up and modernize the logo a bit. After finishing up the gorilla, the logo experts at Agave Studio moved on to creating the surrounding word marks and decorations.

The result

The result is a clean, modern and functional logo that can be used in a myriad of situations including t-shirts, buttons, business cards and other merchandise. We love how the logo turned out and we can’t wait to see it in use.

Are you a Northern Colorado fitness professional or gym looking to refresh their brand? Reach out to Agave Studio today to get your project rolling.