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Is Squarespace Bad for SEO?

Agave Studio Explains Some Of The Myths Surrounding Squarespace & Search Engine Marketing

Have you heard that Squarespace is bad for SEO? All the rumors aren’t true… we explain why.

There are plenty of success stories with Squarespace and search engine optimization. Us here at Agave Studio being one of them! We explain why Squarespace is actually one of the best platforms to optimize with to rank on Google and other search engines, especially with the Squarespace 7.1 update.

Rumor #1: Squarespace Templates Are problematic For SEO

While this rumor may have been true a few years ago when Squarespace templates varied greatly in the features they provided, this has been remedied with the new Squarespace 7.1 update. Every template now provides all the awesome SEO features Squarespace provides.

rumor #2: You Need an SEO Plugin to Make Waves

While SEO plugins like Yoast are fantastic for optimizing your site, these mostly add features that aren’t native to Wordpress or other sites to begin with. Squarespace offers built-in SEO tools that can help you optimize your site when you start it, without paying fees for “premium” tools or plugins.

Rumor #3: Squarespace Has Back-End SEO Issues

Squarespace has improved by leaps and bounds when it comes to the technical side of things. From having SSL security built into your site, to being mobile-friendly out of the box with mobile-first design and accelerated mobile pages, Squarespace is actually a fantastic platform to build on if you want to rank for search queries. There is a lot Squarespace does for SEO that we can only scratch the surface of here!

Rumor #4: Google And SQuarespace Don’t Work Well Together

Now this one is just plain silly. We hear this a lot from our clients that they believe Squarespace and Google have some sort of internet beef, and it’s simply not true. There are a few integrations that Squarespace offers like syncing your Google MyBusiness account and linking your Google Search Console account to your site. These integrations allow your Google and Squarespace account to talk to each other and provides you with some very powerful analytics to allow your site to soar.

Now, we obviously can’t cover all these salacious rumors here in this blog post, but we are always more than happy to answer any questions from anyone who has a Squarespace site and would like to rank better on Google. Reach out and say howdy to Agave Studio to get a free consultation on how your site is performing.